
Best job in the world? World of Warcraft Tester perhaps?
Do you Play World of Warcraft? And if so, do you play well? Can you farm 200 gold an hour and hit level 80 in under 2 weeks? If the answer is yes, you can apply for the job that about 12 million players only dream about, as a Wow game tester! There are in fact several Blizzard jobs posted on their website. The Blizzard employment database has dozens of mmorpg jobs available, mostly WoW employment opportunities. They are currently hiring for several game tester positions for World of Warcraft, under the QA department. They are in particular looking for foreign language testers, so if you speak any other language besides English, don't hesitate to apply to start your Blizzard career. And, yeah, you will be required to play at least four hours a day.
Postat av: U KnoW :D
hahaa im in :D FUCK YEAAAAAAAAh :D
Postat av: Mattias
wtf.. WoW ?? Hahaha & jag som trodde att du skulle igla dig fast rejält vid Diablo III !! :P =)
Postat av: Therese
Mattias, klart som fan! Sa fort jag kan skaffa mig en dator ja kan spela det pa!! Haha. Ansalange far jag halla mig till substitut :(